Tip for Google's Featured Snippets Update 2020

Google used to give a URL two spots in the web crawler results pages (SERPs) when that URL positioned with an included piece, otherwise called position zero since it positioned above position one of the ordinary query search results.

That is no longer the case. Google will no longer show duplicate URLs for pages promoted to the featured snippets.

This process of removing duplicate URLs from SERPs containing featured snippets is called duplication.

Google is pruning additional URLs from query items that contain an included bit. Google's SearchLiaison took to Twitter to give seven bits of knowledge about the new strategy.

1) Featured Snippets duplicate URL change is being called duplication

2) Deduplication is global

3) The change does not affect video featured snippets

4) Deduplication does not affects a featured snippets variant that resembles a knowledge panel. But it will affect it later this week.

5) Deduplication does not affect - Top Stories, Interesting Finds

6) Duplicated URL moving to page two of the SERPs appears to be a bug of duplication and is not a      feature or by design. URLs in feature snippets that are also ranking on page two of the search              engine results pages (SERPs) may have that listing removed.

7) There will be no change in Google Search Console (GSC) performance reports.

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